I Wish Someone Had Told Me...
- That the first time I had sex, I would get pregnant.
- That the "man" with whom I shared that first intimate moment would choose not to father his child.
- That the "man" who seemed to know what was best would actually be encouraging me to make the most regretful decision of my life, as well as his.
- That $300, the cost of my abortion, would not fix my problem, but instead would cause more emotional and physical trauma than I could possibly imagine...and would ultimately change my life forever.
- That my choice was motivated by feelings of shock and fear, by my being self-seeking and irresponsible, and by worry about what my parents, friends, and family might think.
- That there were people who would have loved to have adopted and cherished my child.
- That there were agencies that would help me, if I had decided to parent or place my baby for adoption.
- That my parents might have understood if I had told them I was pregnant.
Not to make a rash decision based on the influence of others…or on my university scholarship.
- That my life didn’t have to stop because I was pregnant.
- That other options were available.
- That life is about choices, and this "pro-choice" decision I was making would result in a truly "poor choice."
- That there was at least one person who would be willing to help me.
I Wish Someone Had Told Me...
- That the abortion clinic’s staff would humiliate me.
- That neither Planned Parenthood nor Family Planning would know the first thing about caring for their clients.
- That the girl ahead of me in line would laugh the whole time, claiming her fifth abortion, and declaring, “It’s easy, not to worry."
- That I could have gotten off of the table, when I realized I was making a horrific mistake.
- That I could have changed my mind until the very last minute, no matter what the doctors or nurses told me.
- That a part of my maternity would die on that table, right along with my child.
- That I would feel more appalled with myself after the "procedure," as I was ushered out the clinic’s back door.
- That people didn’t talk about these "kinds of things!" That after "it" was over, I wouldn’t be able to talk about it either.
- That there would be so much physical and emotional pain involved...not just then, but twenty-three years later.
- That I would lose a part of my dignity, self-love, and purpose in life.
- That one day I would deeply regret this "choice.”
I Wish Someone Had Told Me...
- That I wasn’t God, and that He alone should determine life and death.
- I Wish Someone Had Told Me...
- That the emotions of grief, guilt, and shame would take over my life.
- That for years I would wake up crying in the middle of the night.
- That on each anniversary date of my abortion, and due date, I would feel numb and unable to move.
- That due to the emotional pain of my "choice,” I would contemplate suicide twice.
I Wish Someone Had Told Me...
- That a baby is always a gift and miracle.
- That the description of my fetus being "just a blob of tissue," would be understood as dishonest when I graduated with degrees in Human/Child Development and Counseling Psychology.
- That seven years later, the joy of seeing my son’s ultrasound pictures would be tainted by sorrow, knowing that I had terminated my first child’s life.
- That the birth of my son would truly be a day of reckoning for me.
- That my son's hugs and kisses, or hearing him say, "I love you, Mommy, more than all the houses, stars, and cars!" would mean more to me than I can possibly explain.
- That my aborted child might have shared similar "endearments."
- That two years into my marriage, my husband and I would be separated and seeing a marriage counselor.
I Wish Someone Had Told Me…
- That while visiting a friend’s house, I would be a victim of non-consenting sex, when offered a ride home.
- That I would get pregnant from that situation.
- That I might be forced to choose abortion again, because those closest to me said I couldn’t bring another man's child into the world, while I was married to someone else.
- That I would end up filing for divorce four years after my husband became involved with my best friend.
- That the abortion didn't save my marriage, as others said it might.
- That I'd end up losing both my baby and my husband.
I Wish Someone Had Told Me…
- That I would later miscarry another pregnancy and never be able to have other children.
- That I would have a partial-hysterectomy before I was forty years old.
I Wish Someone Had Told Me...
- That following my hysterectomy my heart’s wound would re-open and ache even more for my lost babies.
- That I would again weep for those children, even though I knew they were in Heaven.
- That when I finally chose to admit my mistakes, I would be told, “Just forget about it." or "It was your choice."
- That people wouldn’t let me talk about it, and would judge me. Even the friends/people who call themselves "Christians."
I Wish Someone Had Told Me…
- That it would take the accepting hearts and compassion of a few select women/men to assist in my healing.
- That I would eventually find others who had suffered in silence.
- That I could go through a healing program in which God would release me from the shame, guilt, and grief that I had suffered for so many, many years.
I'm GLAD Someone Told Me...
- That God had personally carried my children home to Heaven!
- That He has wanted to comfort me!
- That I could name my children, who are forever covered with His fingerprints!
- That Dylan Conor, Dori Kalani and Danika Grace (miscarried) could be close to me in heart and soul, even here on Earth!
- That the process of forgiving myself would be terribly painful and tearfully emotional, yet divinely possible!
- That when I finally get to Heaven, Dylan, Dori and Dani won’t remember why I haven’t held them, hugged them, or kissed them!
- That God’s grace would set me free!
I'm GLAD To Be Able To Tell You...
- That God has allowed me to comfort others, as He comforted me and held my hand during my own recovery!
- That I have been blessed to talk about my unborn children to high school and college students, to church congregations, at fund-raisers, during awareness campaigns, and to my own son!
- That I honestly shared my own mistakes with my son, and that he committed his life to Christ, and to "life" itself!
- That God truly is the most amazing, awesome, forgiving, loving Father any person could ever know!
I’m GLAD God Told Me...
- To share my story with you!
- Stacy Massey
Dedicated to all of our children born unto Heaven. May they be covered in the fingerprints of God.